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Biomedical Engineer

Dee HR Solutions

Key Points

Jhalawar Road/Kota



Job Description

JOB Description -Biomedical engineer 1. Maintenance of equipment. 2. Repairing of bio-medical equipment. a. Break down register maintenance. b. TAT sheet update for equipment. c. BME stock sheet d. Scrap sheet e. Oxygen monitoring sheet. f. Transferred equipment sheet. e. ASSET inventory update. g. ASSET coding. h. AMC/CMC summary sheet 3. Purchase bio-medical equipment: - Call Vendors, and suggest the best device. a. Disposable b. Consumables c. Instruments d. Surgical instruments like Orthopedic, general surgery, etc. 4. Calibration of bio-medical equipment: Maintained documents of same – Calibration reports 5. Preventive maintenance of bio-medical equipment: a. Maintained documents of PMS record – history card 6. AMC/ CMC contract renewal of equipment: 7. Negotiating with companies for contract renewal proposals. 8. Mail purchase order to vendors and bill the same for instruments. 9. Attend breakdown calls of equipment. 10. Daily rounds checklist maintained. Training to nursing staff – operational use of equipment as well safety guidelines. 11. Incidents record of equipment documented. 12. Equipment installation 13. Daily Rounds in Hospital

Skill Preference


Working Days:

6 days per week


1-3 Years

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