In the Chaotic year of 2020, when the world faced unprecedented challenges, the founders of JobsKart embarked on a daring journey that would forever change the face of recruitment in India.
With over 15 years of unparalleled expertise in White Collar Recruitment and an extensive network within the dynamic realms of the banking and NBFC sector, our visionary founders lit the torch of innovation.
They envisioned a future where recruitment is more than a process—it's an art form. JobsKart was their answer, designed to make every job seeker's dream opportunity and every employer's ideal talent easily accessible.
With a team of over 20 dedicated professionals, covering Development, Marketing, and Sales, we're not just a company; we're a powerhouse of talent.
Together, we're committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that cater to the unique needs of our partners in the recruitment industry.
We have successfully helped more than 1000+ employers find the right talent and assisted 11500+ job seekers in securing their perfect jobs.
These numbers aren't just statistics; they're the stories of lives transformed and careers propelled.